So we have everything integrated. We post an article on the website, which in turn automatically posts a copy to twitter, facebook, linkedin, instagram and any other network we wish. But is it possible to use 1 image that works perfectly across all networks? That’s what I’m going to look at.
Different social platforms have different image sizes. We all use the social networking cheat cheats to work out optimal image sizes. However, the images get cropped and resized depending on the device and view we are using. So is it possible to use 1 image, that will successfully work across all networks? Can the core message and any CTAs (call to actions) be viewed on all devices?
So far I have investigated all the image sizes used across the network and how images are displayed. I’ve now created a template that I think will work. We need to realise that all image will be cropped by different networks, so the images we create have to work when cropped in various ways. This is the first round of testing. This post will be published, automatically sent to various platforms, and then I’ll view the results and post an update here with the results.
More to follow…
First round of testing done and everything is going as expected, except for Twitter. I’ve now realised that the cropping that appears on twitter image feeds is different depending on the image. Twitter are referring to it as “Smart cropping” or “Cropping using saliency”. However, it’s hit and miss. If you are uploading your images manually then you can choose how to crop the preview image. However, if you are using automatic tools to upload your posts, you might not be able to control the cropping., so I’m going to have to tweak my template to cover this “salient” cropping.
More to follow…