Medical Society website, conferencing tools and membership management
BOPSS – The British Oculoplastic Surgery Society – has 150+ subscribed members and over 600 registered users that attend annual conference meetings.
BOPSS had an existing website, but the task of managing membership subscriptions, payments, conference ticketing & payments together with a public website was not an easy task.
The Brief
Create a new website for BOPSS that would allow the society’s key tasks to be centrally managed via one website.
2able would create a new website with specific focus on the following key areas:-
- Membership management & finances
- Conference tools to handle ticket purchasing, scheduling and speakers
- Website with mix of private and public areas
- Effective communication via emails, newsletter and Apps
The Solution
Enhanced Branding
We enhanced the branding of the society by creating updated logo and associated branding.
2able created a website loaded with all the required tools to allow affective management and administration of the society, its members, and its conference organisation.
The key functions of the site include:-
- Public facing information site
- Members only sections
- Membership management
- Subscription recurring payments
- Private members discussion forum
- Members voting tools
- Conference ticketing and payment system
- Abstract management & submissions
- Abstract anonymous reviewing and voting
- Abstract publication
- e-Posters submissions
- Members and conference delegates communications
- Conference tools and Apps (for iPad’s and phones)
“2able have been instrumental in revolutionising our organisation’s conference and billing capabilities. BOPSS now leads the field in paperless meetings and, through the services of our webmaster, instant updates have made our website an invaluable resource for our members.”
Miss Carole Jones, BOPSS Secretary Ophthalmologist and Oculoplastic Surgeon MBBCH FRCS FCOpht
Since the new site was launched in 2012, BOPSS has benefited from automatic recurring membership payments, collection of missed previous years payments and decreased payment processing costs.
Thanks to the conference tools on the website, the meetings have gone paperless, saving over £6k each year, and the addition of ePosters and the conference App has meant that information is available to all delegates via the website.